Are you tired of dealing with constant loadshedding and unexpected power cuts/failures? Synergy Energy is your solar energy provider in South Africa! We offer custom grid-tied, hybrid, and off-grid solar system solutions to install a system that will suit your energy needs – whether it is at home or your business. Today, we will discuss the various solar systems and their functionality for your property.
Grid-Tied and Hybrid Solar Systems
Grid-tied solar systems’ primary purpose is to save you money on your monthly electricity bill – above all else. When such a system incorporates a battery bank and/or generator, it becomes a hybrid solar system that can provide and generate electricity when the main power grid fails. These systems are ideal for small businesses and household needs – providing electricity to both essential and non-essential loads as required.
Off-Grid Solar System Solutions
As part of our wholistic energy solutions, Synergy Energy also provides off-grid solar system solutions that do not rely on the main power grid for energy generation and electricity. Off-grid solar systems utilise a PV solar array, battery bank, and a generator to generate and store energy and maintain a steady stream of electricity being fed into the DB board. As a result, you can say goodbye to unexpected power failures, loadshedding, and your monthly municipal electricity bill!
Utilising Smart and Efficient Energy Solutions for Your Household/Business
Over the past couple of years, the municipal energy supply in South Africa has struggled with several setbacks and unexpected challenges – leading to ongoing loadshedding to maintain the available energy supply. South Africans have seen months of endless loadshedding, which is where our wholistic energy solutions come into the picture. With us in your corner, you can forget about loadshedding and sitting without electricity at home or your place of work.
PV solar arrays are more affordable than ever before – utilised around the world to deliver a cleaner and more efficient method of generating electricity for properties. Our selection of wholistic energy solutions will give you the means to be unaffected by power grid failures and keep the lights on throughout such failures.
For more information on how Synergy Energy can assist your household or business, please browse our website for details and specifications on our wholistic energy solutions today! Contact us directly to request your quotation and overcome the challenges of loadshedding with a custom solar system. Enquire now